Our services Accompagnement Psycho-Parental Accompagnement de la femme enceinte (55min) Biorésonance MPI (55min) Hypnose Clinique TCC (1h) Hypnose Médicale (1h) Psychologie Positive (1h) Réflexologie plantaire/palmaire. Auriculothérapie médicale (55min) Réflexologie plantaire/palmaire pour enfant Auriculothérapie médicale (45min) Réflexologie plantaire/palmaire pour bébé (45min) Suivi à orientation TCC (50min) Tests BIA (30min) Test Cardio Tests MVOC (30min) Test Microbiote avec suivi personnalisé (30min) Thérapie par les couleurs Photobiomodulation (1h) Massages Médicaux (AM Colombier NE) (1h) Naturopathie (50min) Thérapie par les ventouses (50min)
FAQ What is the address of alternativemedecine.ch S.A.? The address of alternativemedecine.ch S.A. is located at Avenue de la Gare 21, 2013 Colombier . You can easily access it by public transport or car. What languages are spoken by alternativemedecine.ch S.A.? alternativemedecine.ch S.A. speaks Français, French And German. Is alternativemedecine.ch S.A. accepting new patients? Yes, alternativemedecine.ch S.A. is currently accepting new patients. Feel free to book an appointment online or by phone. What is the phone number of alternativemedecine.ch S.A.? The phone number of alternativemedecine.ch S.A. is 078 810 47 17. You can reach us during opening hours for any information. What is the email address of alternativemedecine.ch S.A.? You can contact alternativemedecine.ch S.A. by email at the following address: info@alternativemedecine.ch. We usually respond within 24 hours. What is the website of alternativemedecine.ch S.A.? The website of alternativemedecine.ch S.A. is https://alternativemedecine.ch.